Submarine cable giants, ‘Main-One’ says it may take up to two weeks to repair the damage to under-sea cables which has disrupted internet services in Nigeria, Ghana, Cote D’Ivoire, Senegal, and other West African and East African countries.

In an update released over the weekend, the company it has a maintenance agreement with Atlantic Cable Maintenance and Repair Agreement (ACMA) to provide repair services for the submarine cable.

It said they would first need to identify and assign a vessel which would retrieve the necessary spares required for repair, and then sail to the fault location to conduct the repair work.

Next, in order to complete the repair, the affected section of the submarine cable would have to be pulled from the sea-bed onto the ship where it will be spliced by skilled technicians.

After this, joints would be inspected and tested for any defects and then the submarine cable would be lowered back into the sea-bed and guided to a good position.

According to the company, the entire process might take 1-2 weeks for repairs while about 2-3 weeks of transit time may be required for the vessel to pick up the spares and travel from Europe to West Africa

Recall that
Telecommunication Companies had last week attributed the disruption of internet services to damaged sub-sea cables off the West Coast of Africa.

The disruption on Thursday was witnessed by millions of subscribers across the country including students and staff of F.U.T Minna who struggled all day to connect to the internet without much success.