As part of efforts to underscore the importance of Soil Science and deepen awareness among young people with a view to influencing career choices in the field, the Nigeria Institute of Soil Science (NISS), has flagged off a campaign to generate interest by visiting selected secondary schools in Niger State.

The project titled : Provision of Enhanced Aids To Promote Interest in The Study and Practices of Soil
Science to Ensure Better Soil Fertility Management in Nigeria – was launched in Niger State with a visit to Father O’Connell Secondary School Minna where students were engaged in discussions via Career counselling and Soil Science as a Profession

The activity preceded by an opening remark by the school’s principal was immediately followed by a presentation anchored by Dr. Mrs. D, Ezekiel-Adeoyin. The discussion focused on the vision and mandate of NISS, uses and functions of soil as well as a brief on the scope of a Soil Scientist, Career prospects in Soil Science, Areas of specialization in Soil Science, Subject requirements to study soil science in higher institution – among others

The highlight of the event which included positive feedback and affirmation of interest from students was the presentation of a cash gift to the School Management by the North Central Coordinator of NISS, Professor A.O Osunde. The next stop for the NISS project is a visit to FGC Minna on the 15th of February, 2024.

The sensitization drive is expected to cover a total of five schools in Niger State. The project will also be extended to five other States namely Kwara, Kogi, Nasarawa, Benue and Plateau ….in the coming weeks