The Chief of Defence Staff, Major General Christopher Musa has reiterated the commitment of the Armed Forces to ensuring peace amid the security challenges ravaging the North-West, North-Central and other parts of the country

This was disclosed in a statement signed yesterday by the defence spokesman, Brigadier General Tukur Gusau, during a courtesy visit from Zamfara State Governor, Dauda Lawal; and his Plateau State counterpart, Caleb Muftwang, at the Defence Headquarters in Abuja, the nation’s capital.

Major General Musa assured the governors that the nation’s armed forces are determined and committed to ensuring peace in the country.

On his part, the Plateau State governor congratulated the Chief of Defence Staff on his appointment, describing Major General Musa as a professional to the core.

He also expressed his undoubting belief that the Chief of Defence Staff would make an impact by deploying his experiences to bear in dealing with the security challenges in Plateau.

In his remarks, Governor Lawal called for more funding for the armed forces, seeking concerted efforts between the locals and security agencies in the state.