Who we are & What we do

Find out more about the people who run the Search FM Radio: The Executive Committee, the senior management, Presenters, Newscasters, Producers, our Edictors, Designers and Developers

We are Nigeria’s leading model for educational radio in service broadcast

Our Mission

“To provide more information to more students per minute per square kilometer than any other medium currently available in the University.”

To create a powerful news avenue that will liaise with the school’s information dissemination mechanism at all levels.

To Create a self-sufficient entity and help build a self-confident youth by providing assistance to creative and talented students.

Our Vision

Create a medium that will enhance positive behavioral change within the university and its environs. Problems such as vandalism, examination malpractice, robbery and cult activities would be tackled head long through educative and enlightenment programmes.

Bridge the huge information gulf between the school authority (Management), students, and the communities aroujujjnd the two campuses of Bosso and Gidan Kwano, thus nullifying the disruptive effect of rumour mongering. 

Search FM Community

FUT Minna

Federal University of Technology Minna recognized for it s excellence in capacity building, service delivery, training of skilled and innovative work-force students driven by entrepreneurship and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Search FM 92.3

Search FM Campus Radio 9.23, an award-winning production campus radio and world-class Broadcaster for student and run by student voluntarily with the best production of programmes and services for audiences throughout the Minna.


Student Union Government of the Federal University of Technology Minna, with main concerns about the health of staff and student population of about 24,000. with objective for its establishment is to give effect to the welfare of the students.

Search FM Sponsors

Search FM 92.3

MBB House, Federal University of Technology, Minna
Email: searchfm923mx@futminna.edu.ng
Phone:  +234 (0) 816 6160 688

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by Search FM 92.3

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you can be a part of Search FM by becoming a volunteer, with Search FM Family is a new life of true career achievement where prospective volunteers can choose their desired unit of expertise, blend to march academics and lectures time while at the same time experiencing social enlightment with limitless opportunities


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Search FM Campus Radio of Federal University of Technology Minna, covers a great row of audience from students to workers, individuals and families. don’t miss this