Afam Osigwe, has been inaugurated as the 32nd President of the Nigerian Bar Association.

The Senior Advocate of Nigeria, will lead the association alongside other newly sworn-in national officers of the bar – over the next two years.

He takes over from the immediate past president of the association, Yakubu Maikyau, who is also a Senior Advocate of Nigeria.

In his inaugural speech delivered at the swearing-in ceremony which held in Lagos on Thursday, Osigwe commended his opponents, Tobenna Erojikwe and Chukwukwa Ikwazom, for their decorum during the electioneering process and extended a hand of fellowship to them to join him in moving the association forward

He promised to run an all-inclusive bar that keeps the association not only united but on a forward trajectory

Osigwe also pledged that under his watch, the NBA will hold the Federal and State Governments accountable and make sure that their policies deliver good governance to the people.