The Entrepreneurship Centre, Federal University of Technology Minna, has officially inaugurated a Financial Literacy Advocacy Group (FLAG) of volunteers at the Main Campus of the University in Gidan Kwano

The event which held on Wednesday started with a welcome address by the Director of the centre, Professor Caroline Alenoghena who described FLAG as a non governmental organization that aims to create awareness on financial literacy through volunteer advocacy.

The group which consists of staff, students and members of the University’s host communities

With support from partner like GIZ( A german international body), P3 consulting and FCMB, FLAG has a platform called where free courses are offered online.

In his address, the Vice Chancellor of F.U.TMinna, Professor Farouk Adamu Kuta ably represented by the DVC Administration, Professor Uno Uno, thanked everyone involved in the group and stressed the importance of financial literacy; considering the present economic realities in the country.

At the end of the event, Search FM asked the Director of the Entrepreneurship centre – the motivation behind the FLAG initiative

————(1) Prof Caroline News – What Inspired ————–

She also spoke about the SME-sabi programme and her dreams for FLAG

—————-(2) Prof Caroline News – SME-sabi and FLAG——————-

A volunteer, Naomi Bawa, also gave her take on the FLAG initiative

————-(3) Prof Caroline News – Naomi Bawa (Volunteer)——————

Highlights of the event attended by the University Bursar, Mrs Hadiza Akoje and the University Librarian, Professor Saka Katamba as well as representatives of FLAG partners – included an oath-taking session involving the volunteers.