Hoodlums defying Plateau State Government Executive Order 003 have razed cars and looted some shops at the Bukuru market in the Jos South local government area of the state as they attacked members of the Task Force enforcing the order in the area.

The said order is to regulate buildings and vehicular traffic within the Greater Jos master plan as the lawless habit of converting the expressway to makeshift shops hinders the free flow of traffic in the Jos and Bukuru metropolis.

Engaging the task force on Monday, the hoodlums set no fewer than 10 vehicles belonging to some shop owners on fire and set some shops on fire, looting other property.

However, the State Governor, Caleb Mutfwang, has condemned the attack meted out to the task force and law-abiding traders saying the brazen disobedience and attacks are shameful.

He emphasized that the market was designated by the government to accommodate lawful business activities, with an appeal to street vendors to relocate accordingly.

Highlighting the broader purpose of Executive Order 003, Governor Mutfwang clarified that it intends to safeguard Jos from deterioration into a slum and a haven for criminal activities and reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to collaborating with law-abiding citizens across all divides to foster peace and unity in the state.

He expressed appreciation to all security agencies for their dedication and urged them to intensify efforts to restore calm amidst the current challenges.